Envisioning sustainable living

Discover the Kings Hill masterplan for an ecologically sustainable community, designed to harmonise nature and amenity.

Click on the links below to go directly to each section:

Concept Development Application

Conservation Area

Ecologically Sustainable Development

Concept Development Application

Our Kings Hill Concept Proposal is comprised of several components.

Urban development within the urban zoned land with a targeted lot yield of 1,900 residential lots distributed between seven residential precincts.

New commercial and retail town centre adjacent the Pacific Highway, supported by mixed use zoned land within the walkable catchment of the town centre.

Public school site, collocated with proposed (and potential) open space with capacity for sporting fields.

3.5km long east-west collector road and prospective bus route linking the residential precincts, school site, and new town centre.

2.5km long north-south collector road linking between the proposed new town centre and Six Mile Road.

Proposed public domain, open spaces and recreational areas

Three sites have been prospectively designated for active recreation in Kings Hill, including ecological, educational and cultural research hubs.

Kings Hill will also feature five proposed parkland areas co-located with water management devices, including a district park and four local parks.

Each parkland will be equipped with recreational facilities including but not limited to playgrounds, tennis courts, skate parks and sports fields.

Conservation Area

The Kings Hill Conservation Area is comprised of approximately 250 hectares of conservation land dedicated to Port Stephens Council as the custodian to manage on behalf of the community. Here are some of KHD’s initiatives to underwrite impactful environmental conservation over the long term.

Investing $3.5 million over 5 years to land conservation

Over $3.5 million at the cost of KHD invested into the Conservation Area over 5 years to enhance the conservation land in accordance with management plans including, revegetation, fencing, bush fire management, feral animal management and control or removal of invasive weeds, prior to handover to Council.

$3 million contribution to manage the land in perpetuity

A monetary contribution of $3 million by KHD to fund the management of the land in perpetuity.

Passive recreation incorporated into the Conservation Area

Passive recreation opportunities within the proposed Conservation Area (horse, bike and bushwalking trails) in locations determined compatible with conservation objectives (existing and proposed dual purpose bushland trails (for maintenance access, biodiversity management and monitoring, and bushfire management), a boardwalk along Wetland 803, and two (2) proposed birdwatching platforms (once agreed with Council).

Hectares of Conservation Land


Hectares of Conservation Land

Ecologically Sustainable Development

The “Local Outcome” is a solution that meets the environmental legislative requirements and also respects the local ecological and cultural values of the existing land. The Local Outcome is underpinned by the principles of ESD (Ecologically Sustainable Development) which primarily aims to, “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (The Brundtland Report, UNESCO, 1987).

Rather than adopt the available approach to fragment the land into many sub-lots of approximately 40ha as the legislation allows and place the responsibility of the care and management of the remaining zoned C2 land (Conservation Zoned land) into the hands of multiple private landholdings, KHD chose to consolidate the C2 zoned land and invest into it to achieve in perpetuity outcomes for the benefit of the local biodiversity, the local economy and the local community.

The KHD team has worked with all stakeholders and interested groups to put forward a proposal for Kings Hill that sought to identify and restore the existing values of the site and also put in place a fully funded management regime for promoting and securing these local values in perpetuity.

ESD involves development that improves the total quality of life both now and in the future, in a way that maintains the ecological processes upon which life depends.

Chief Judge Brian Preston

NSW Land and Environment Court, Principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development, 2016

Local values and context

  • Unique biodiversity representative of the region will be invested into and protected for the benefit of the community and the species themselves.

  • Historical Aboriginal use of the land and its cultural significance to the local Worimi People will be promoted bringing opportunities for education and cultural awareness.

  • A diverse offering of active and passive based eco-tourism will add to the Port Stephens market encouraging visitation and provide health and wellbeing to the local community.

Benefits of the Local Outcome


  • Prevents a viable local population of Koala from being placed at risk of extinction.

  • Minimises the loss of Koala habitat and the effects of Koala habitat loss and fragmentation.

  • Significantly reduces the risk of stochastic events such as fire.

Community, Social and Cultural

  • Recreational activities such as walking, mountain biking and horse riding in the Conservation Area.
  • Council ownership ensures cohesive management and alignment of interests with local community.
  • Education and tourism opportunities for significant Aboriginal sites with support from the Worimi Land Council.


  • Significant local investment enhances land management, attracting visitors and supporting businesses.
  • Generating substantial revenue, long-term jobs, and activation of commercial areas.
  • Kings Hill is located near natural features which offers panoramic views and enhances liveability and value for residents and businesses.